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Writer's pictureDebbie Kibwage

Do Men Experience Hot Flashes? Why Not (Or Do They)?

When we think of hot flashes, we typically picture women fanning themselves like they’re trying to put out a fire with sheer willpower, particularly during menopause. But here's a curveball—can men experience hot flashes too? Let’s break it down, and yes, it gets funnier than you might expect.

The Short Answer: Yes, Men Get Hot Flashes Too

Surprise! Men *can* experience hot flashes. It’s not exclusive to women, though it’s certainly more common for women, thanks to the hormonal whirlwind that is menopause. For men, however, hot flashes are typically related to another condition—low testosterone (aka Low T). Yup, it’s not just midlife crises and shiny new sports cars that signal a hormonal shift for men!

How Hot Flashes Happen in Men

For men, hot flashes often come from a dip in testosterone, which can occur naturally with age, or because of medical treatments such as androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer. Fun fact: *up to 80% of men* undergoing ADT treatment experience hot flashes, which might make you think twice about that extra layer of clothing.

It works like this: When testosterone levels drop, the brain and body freak out (just a little), causing the hypothalamus—your body's thermostat—to go haywire. Cue the sweaty armpits, red face, and the overwhelming urge to stick your head in the freezer.

Why Aren't Men Complaining About This More?

Great question! Men often don't talk about hot flashes, partly because it’s not as common as it is in women and partly because...well, men don't always love talking about their health. (We're working on that, guys!) Statistics show that *about 30-40% of men* over age 45 may experience symptoms of Low T, but it goes underreported because, hey, it’s more fun to blame the A/C than your hormones.

The Fun Twist: What Do Male Hot Flashes Look Like?

For men, hot flashes are often a mix of intense heat, sweating, and that lovely flushed face that screams, "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" They might last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes and could happen any time—at work, during a conversation, or, worse yet, during a romantic dinner (cue the awkward dabbing of the forehead with a napkin).

A study published in the *Journal of Andrology* noted that male hot flashes might even come with feelings of irritability, anxiety, or a sudden urge to take a cold shower...or ten.

Here’s Where It Gets Serious

Beyond the humor, Low T can also lead to a host of other health issues—fatigue, decreased libido, and mood swings, just to name a few. But don’t sweat it (pun intended)—there are ways to tackle this! At our clinic, we offer testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which can help regulate your hormone levels and cool things off in no time. Plus, you’ll be back to feeling more like your old self—no more sweating through your shirt in meetings or blaming the office heating system.

Ready to Put Out the Fire?

If you think you’re dealing with hot flashes, or just feeling “off” in general, don’t wait until your body’s in full meltdown mode. Give us a call, and let’s get you checked out. At our clinic, we specialize in men's hormone health and offer customized solutions to help you feel cool, calm, and collected again—both literally and figuratively.

So, let’s say goodbye to the sweaty shirt collar and hello to balance. Book your consultation today and take the first step toward cooling things down.

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