Hormonal Imbalance FAQs

Common Woman's FAQs
Why do I need hormone replacement?
Women need replacement if they desire to:
Delay the symptoms of aging
Increase energy
Preserve skin and muscle tone
Look younger
Reverse depression and anxiety
Improve sex drive
Decrease insomnia
Improve physical stamina
Thicken hair
Strengthen the immune system
Protect against heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia, and diabetes
Prevent need for long-term care from loss of ability to walk
Improve general health
Can I take homones if I have breast cancer?
Yes & No. It is safer to use transdermal patches or local estrogen cream, otherwise Other hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA) are not prescribed to breast cancer survivors.​
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Estrogen FAQs
What are the benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy (EST)?
The benefits of estrogen replacement treatment can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, night sweats, and even excessive sweating during the day. Low estrogen levels cause a dry vagina, which causes discomfort and unpleasant intercourse. You may also develop incontinence symptoms. Low estrogen levels can also cause brittle bones, putting you at risk for osteoporosis. Estrogen enhances balance, reduces the risk of falls and fractures, reduces UTIs, and lowers the risk of Alzheimer's disease and colon cancer. Bioidentical hormone replacement treatment can help you "get your life back" by alleviating all of these symptoms.
What is Estrogen?
Estrogen hormones prepare your body for pregnancy while also increasing your desire for sex. They also aid in the regulation of cholesterol levels and the strengthening of bones. Although estrogen is normally generated by the ovaries, it can also be produced by your fat tissue or adrenal glands. Your estrogen levels fall throughout perimenopause or menopause. For some women, this might result in unpleasant symptoms such as melancholy, lethargy, hot flashes, and a lack of sex drive. You may also encounter low estrogen symptoms at different points in your life. Bioidentical estrogen replacement treatment may be able to address your low estrogen.
How are low estrogen levels diagnosed?
We will evaluate clinical symptoms along with a blood test that will determine whether your estrogen levels are too low. When you start estrogen replacement therapy, we'll continue to monitor your levels to ensure that you are getting the right dosage and make adjustments as required.
How do you treat low estrogen levels naturally?
We will utilize bioidentical estrogen if we conclude that you require estrogen replacement medication. This provides natural estrogen replacement by using estrogen obtained from plants rather than synthetic estrogen.
Who should get estrogen replacement therapy?
​Women with hormonal imbalances may benefit from estrogen replacement treatment. Our medical practitioner will consider estrogen therapy with you after reviewing your symptoms and health history and verifying through a blood test that your estrogen levels are below the usual range.
What are the effects of estrogen replacement therapy?
It may take a few weeks to many months, as with other kinds of hormone replacement treatment, to notice improvements in some of your symptoms. Potential benefits include more energy, less mood swings, and an enhanced libido. In certain individuals, estrogen replacement treatment has been reported to alleviate migraines and night sweats. Taking estrogen prior to menopause may also make your periods more regular.
Will I need to take progesterone while I take estrogen?
Yes. If you only take estrogen and not progesterone, the estrogen alone can cause your uterine lining to thicken, increasing your risk of uterine cancer in women with uteri. Taking progesterone together with estrogen may lower the risk. Progesterone also helps to reduce any menopausal bleeding that may occur with estrogen replacement.
Can I take estrogen if I have had a history of a blood clot or stroke?
Yes, but only in transdermal form. This would include patch, cream, or sublingual.
Progesterone FAQs
What are the benefits of PRT (Progesterone Replacement Therapy)?
Natural progesterone, also known as micronized progesterone, is useful to ALL menopausal women, uterus or no uterus. It alleviates hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, PMS, and migraines. Because their levels of progesterone are low, women with PCOS require it. Natural progesterone helps to prevent uterine, ovarian, and breast cancers, as well as osteoporosis, fibrocystic illness, ovarian cysts, and heart disease. (NOT Provera or Progestins)
Do I really need Progesterone if I don’t have a uterus?
In fact, yeah! Natural progesterone has been shown in studies to protect against ovarian and breast malignancies, as well as heart disease. Don't pass up the advantages!​
What is the function of progesterone?
​Progesterone has several purposes in a woman's body, including bone strengthening and lowering the risk of osteoporosis.
Is progesterone replacement therapy only for women in menopause?
​Because progesterone levels generally decline dramatically after menopause, BHRT is most commonly administered to women who have gone through menopause. Hormonal imbalances, on the other hand, might impact women at different points of their life. Women's hormones may be out of balance in the decade or more preceding menopause, known as perimenopause. Progesterone can help manage heavy or irregular periods as well as PMS symptoms during perimenopause. We will build a treatment plan for you that may involve hormone replacement therapy at any point of your life at Optimal T Clinic.
What are the symptoms of low progesterone?
​Low progesterone symptoms are comparable to those associated with other hormonal abnormalities and other illnesses. Depression, moodiness, irregular periods, urinary tract infections, and painful sex as a result of vaginal dryness are among them. Because of the diversity of these symptoms, it is critical to establish the presence of a progesterone imbalance with a simple blood test. Then our medical experts can recommend the best treatment option for you.
Why should I AVOID taking progestins or Provera?
These drugs are not natural; they are manufactured. According to studies, these drugs are associated with an increased risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. These drugs have also been linked to an increased risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and breast cancer.
Will I gain weight on Progesterone?
No, not always. Most of the time, this "weight increase" is caused by transitory bloat/water retention, which is frequently misinterpreted as genuine weight gain. To help with this, doctors may prescribe a diuretic for a month in certain individuals.
Does oral Progesterone poison the liver?
No, it does not
Thyroid FAQs
What are low thyroid treatment benefits?
​Many women just do not make enough thyroid hormone, thus thyroid replacement therapy is beneficial. As your thyroid hormone levels normalize, you should feel a boost in energy, as well as improved sleep and mood. You may even drop some undesired weight, boost your sexual drive, and experience less discomfort in your muscles and joints.
What is the thyroid gland?
​Your thyroid is a little butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of your neck that helps all of your organs work. If your thyroid gland produces insufficient or excessive hormones, it can influence many different sections of your body and create a variety of symptoms.
What is hypothyroidism (low thyroid)?
​Hypothyroidism occurs when your body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It is most usually caused by Hashimoto's disease, a disorder in which your immune system destroys the thyroid gland. The resulting damage is what causes the gland to underproduce.
What are hypothyroid (low thyroid) symptoms?
You may feel fatigued and lack stamina if you have low thyroid. Hypothyroidism can also cause weight gain and constipation. Symptoms include cold sensitivity, numbness in your hands and feet, muscular pains, poor focus, poor short-term memory, dry skin, hair loss, and melancholy or mood swings. This might be a sign if you've begun missing periods or if your periods are irregular.
What is hyperthyroidism (high thyroid)?
​When you have hyperthyroidism, your body produces an excessive amount of thyroid. This can enhance your metabolism, heart rate, and other biological processes. Graves' disease, an immune system illness, is frequently the cause of hyperthyroidism.
What are hyperthyroid (high thyroid) symptoms?
​Hyperthyroidism symptoms might occur gradually, so it may take some time before you notice them. You may begin to lose weight while without changing your diet, or you may begin to eat more than normal. Symptoms include a racing heart, anxiety, irritability, and sleeplessness. You may frequently feel sweaty and hot, and your fingers and hands may tremble. Some may experience ocular changes as bulging or discomfort. Hyperthyroidism can also result in brittle bones and weak muscles.
How are thyroid problems diagnosed?
​Certain symptoms, such as weariness, cold sensitivity, or unexpected weight gain or loss, may be the first indicator of thyroid problems. However, symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, like those associated with other hormone-related abnormalities, might signal other illnesses. In addition to examining your symptoms, Reviving Wellness will do blood tests to see if you have thyroid issues.
How are thyroid problems treated?
​Our approach to treating hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism differs depending on the reason and your overall health, however medication can be used in the majority of instances. Changes in your lifestyle might also assist to keep your thyroid in check.
What if my thyroid levels are “normal”, but I’m still having low thyroid symptoms?
​Optimal T focuses on your symptoms. We evaluate a whole hormone blood test panel since symptoms might be caused by several hormonal abnormalities. When it comes to thyroid, unlike many other physicians, we don't merely address the TSH level. We monitor all of your thyroid readings and use natural thyroid hormone to replenish both your T3 and T4 levels.