Potential Side Effects
Risks & Benefits
Before beginning or continuing therapy with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), it is critical that you understand the risks and benefits. Although BHRT is not a new field of medicine, the therapeutic methodologies used by Optimal T Clinic may include novel therapies. Hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone, as well as additional therapies for thyroid function and Vitamins D and B12, may be recommended as part of therapy. Testosterone therapy is a method of increasing a woman's sexual desire, muscular mass, or physical function.
Women who are on estrogen medication, have had their ovaries removed, have an adrenal system issue, or have hypopituitarism may benefit from testosterone therapy. It is linked to the alleviation of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, incontinence, and urinary urgency). Testosterone may also improve mental clarity and concentration.
In some cases, testosterone treatment has been demonstrated to boost bone density, decrease body fat and cellulite, improve collagen in the skin, reduce wrinkles, and increase lean muscle mass.
Some studies also link testosterone medication to lower cardiac risk and breast protection, particularly in individuals receiving estrogen therapy.
BHRT will not be recommended for pregnant woman, or women who are trying to get pregnant. ​
Side Effects
Bloating, breakthrough bleeding, breast swelling and tenderness, clitoral enlargement, fluid retention, weight gain, liver cysts, mood swings, acne, hair growth, vocal changes, sleep apnea, heightened cholesterol levels, or increased red blood cells are all possible side effects of BHRT (secondary erythrocytosis which is not harmful, confused with polycythemia vera). Endometrial, uterine, or breast cancer, blood clots, stroke, gallbladder disease, or high blood pressure may be raised in some people. Certain forms of BHRT are more dangerous, and each woman's risk varies according on her health history and lifestyle, therefore it is critical to consult with your Provider before commencing therapy.
FDA Information
When the Food and Medicine Administration (FDA) approves a drug for medical use, the producer creates a "label" to describe how to use it. Once a medicine has been authorized by the FDA, physicians may use it "off-label" for other purposes if they are well-informed about the product, base their usage on strong scientific principles and sound medical evidence, and keep records of its use and effects. The FDA only approves testosterone for use in men. This means that physician-directed low-dose testosterone treatment in women is "off-label." Because Testosterone therapy is "off label," your health insurance will most likely not cover it. This implies you'll have to pay for these services right now.
To learn more about side effects and contraindications for these drugs by contacting your Provider or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.